Friday, 3 June 2016

Review child protection strategies

The Star, Jun 3, 2016
I REFER to your news article regarding the closure of a private children’s welfare home “More safeguards for children” (The Star, June 1). I applaud such a news story as it serves as a reminder to the fact that our children are often failed by the country and its agencies.

Over the years, much has been said and publicised by your newspaper, concerned NGOs and some government agencies, of the duty and collective responsibility we all share towards the safeguarding of children. 

Yet, despite widespread knowledge in this particular case the private welfare home was closed, not because of its failure to protect, but because of its administrative failure in obtaining a licence. 

Within our own backyard, we also appear oblivious of serial paedophiles preying in countries like ours. I refer of course to the widely reported news of a Richard Huckle who was found guilty of over 71 child abuse charges on children from impoverished backgrounds, over 10 years. 

He had reportedly carried out such abuse in Malaysia too. 

The government needs to commission a thorough review of all aspects of child protection strategies to date and enforce greater multi-agency robustness in monitoring abuse so that our children can stand a better chance of being protected. 

The writer understands that there is a long-standing draft Bill to regulate the social work profession, with provisions to establish a comprehensive licensing system for welfare establishments. This covers worker suitability, fitness of the provider and buildings.  

If implemented and rigorously enforced, the Act will go a long way to ensuring the minimum safeguards. 

  • Jim Lim, Penang (Letter to The Star, June 3, 2016). Read more about him here.